29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Luke 18:1-8
“Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray continually and never lose heart.”. There is an intimate relationship between God and man. This intimate relationship is nurtured and expressed in prayer. And an essential element of relationship is its continuity. God continuously communicates with us because He loves us as His sons and daughters. In prayer this presence of God grows as we imbibe more and more His life and His love. Presence of God through prayer is like either filling in or emptying out. While praying the presence increases and when I stop praying, it starts emptying out. Moreover, we change in prayer. In the parable, the unjust judge changes and decides to do justice due to the constant presence of a just widow. The same thing happens in prayer. In prayer we feel the continuous presence of the love of God and this love of God changes us. The more you let the presence of God fill your life in prayer, better your life becomes. If there is no betterment in our life means, we are not praying enough. We grow in faith when we keep this loving presence of God in our life through incessant prayer. Therefore, the Gospel puts before us the question: Are you praying continuously enough to keep an uninterrupted presence of God in your life?