Wednesday of the 1st week of Lent
First reading – Jonah 3:1-10
The entire story of Jonah shows how much God wants to take care of us even when we are going away from Him. He sends His messenger to invite us to change our way of behaviour. He does not abandon and not only just words. God is concrete in His love. Jonah is real. God wants that we repent and get back to Him. And the people of Nineveh responded to that call. And the Word of God says, “God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behaviour, and God relented: he did not inflict on them the disaster which he had threatened.” God saw their efforts and God accepted it. Our efforts are enough for God. So, we continue with our efforts to get back to God. First, we have to find out the ways God is reaching out to us. And then we must make our efforts to make a change. Let’s reflect: During this Lent, am I aware of the ways God is reaching out to me asking to get back to Him?