Saint Mark, Evangelist – Feast
First reading – 1 Peter 5:5-14
“All wrap yourselves in humility to be servants of each other, because God refuses the proud and will always favour the humble.” This is a phrase in the Bible which summarizes many doctrines. This is a phrase which summarizes the concept of community life or family life. This is a phrase which makes our life heavenly on earth. First of all, it’s not about one person, it is about all, “All wrap yourselves”. Then it is not something others do to you, “All wrap yourselves”. It is about a personal decision. It is decision to wrap me myself in humility. To wrap up ourselves in humility. And the goal of this wrapping up is only one thing: to be servants of each other. It is not a humility to show up. It’s not a humility to retreat or to give up. It’s an active humility. It’s the humility to be servants of each other. And the motive to be humble is that God likes the humble. So, it is about knowing the heart of God and desiring to be like that. It’s about being to be what God wants. Let’s reflect: Am I wrapping myself in humility to be a servant of the other?