5th Sunday of Lent
First reading – Ezekiel 37:12-14
The Lord is speaking through Prophet Ezekiel. He is speaking about three things He is going to do. “I am now going to open your graves; I mean to raise you from your graves, my people, and lead you back to the soil of Israel”. He is going to open the graves. He is going to raise His people. He is going to lead them back to the soil of Israel. These three acts of mercy and kindness of the Lord. He is going to open the graves. The Lord wants to open the graves. Graves of vengeance, graves of revenge, graves of jealousy, graves of spite, graves of laziness, graves of lust, graves of lies, graves of irresponsibility, graves of disrespect, etc. He wants to take us out of these graves. He wants to bring us out. He wants to give us the life to be raised up from the graves. The life of forgiveness, life of pardon, life of caring, life of respect, life of responsibility, life of purity, etc. With this life, we can stand up. We can become His people. With this life, we can follow the Lord. We can follow His path. We can follow His word. We can follow His life. Let’s reflect: Am I ready to respond to the mercy of God which opens the grave, raises me up and leads me to His life?