Monday of week 7 in Ordinary Time
First reading: Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10
The wisdom is a creation of God. It’s different from intelligence and science. Because as the Ecclesiasticus say, “All wisdom is from the Lord”. Not only that the wisdom is from God, and it will remain to be of God for ever. “…and it is his own forever”. That is why it’s important to have that wisdom which comes from God, and which remains with God. It is a gift. “He himself has created her, looked on her and assessed her, and poured her out on all his works to be with all mankind as his gift, and he conveyed her to those who love him”. The Wisdom of God is created to be gift to those who love God. That means, Wisdom is the result of love. It is the result of your love to God. The more you love God the more wisdom of God will accompany you. Wisdom which comes from love has the logic of love, has the perspective of love, and has the motive of love. We must really desire for that wisdom by loving God. Let’s reflect: Do I really desire to have the wisdom from the Lord with my love to Him?