Wednesday of week 26 in Ordinary Time
Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr
Saints Laurence Ruiz and his Companions, Martyrs
Gospel – Luke 9:57-62
We want to follow Jesus. That is for sure, but we have our conditions. Our vocation is to follow a person, Jesus Christ. Not an idea, not some ideals. The difference between following a person and an idea is this. When you are following a idea, you can put your own ideas and principles into it. But when you are following a person, you must follow fully that person without conditions. Our conditions cannot be part of our following because in following Jesus Christ, we give up all our conditions. Conditions make compromised discipleship. Whereas unconditional following make radical discipleship. Today the gospel asks us to meditate: my following of Jesus Christ, is it a compromised discipleship or a radical discipleship?