Saint Thomas, Apostle – Feast
Gospel John 20:24-29
“My Lord and my God!” This is the perfect confession of faith by St. Thomas, the Apostle of India. This confession was the result of a personal desire for a personal experience with the Risen Christ. This confession was the result of a determination to have a direct experience with the resurrection. This confession is the result of the magnanimous love of Jesus Christ to fulfil the personal desire of His disciple. This confession is the result of the mercy of God reaching out to man who longs for an experience with God. Even more, it created the occasion to find a place for the rest of the humanity who did not have the direct experience of the Risen Christ. “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe”. Thomas’s confession, “My Lord and my God!” is a multifaceted expression of faith that encapsulates the journey from desire to belief. It underscores the importance of personal desire and determination in seeking divine truth, the magnanimous love of Jesus in addressing individual needs, and the merciful nature of God in reaching out to those who earnestly seek Him. This confession remains a powerful testament to the transformative impact of personal encounters with Jesus in the journey of faith. Let’s reflect: Am I happy in confessing without seeing Jesus that He is “My Lord and my God”?