Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, Bishop
First reading – Acts 13:46-49
“I have made you a light for the nations, so that my salvation may reach the ends of the earth.” For this reason, Paul and Barnabas, speaking boldly about proclaiming the word of God to whole world. Jesus Christ is the light for all the nations. Preaching the Gospel to whole world is important. Whoever we meet in our life, we have to witness this truth to this person. “I would like to show the light to your life because I believe in Jesus Christ who is the light for the nations which include you”. Each person we meet in our life is entitled to have this light and we are supposed to be the instrument to tell this person about it. Paul and Barnabas were convinced about this. That is why they spoke boldly about this. Sometimes, we are not so bold about this. Maybe we are not convinced about it. Let’s reflect: are we speaking boldly enough to others that Jesus Christ is the light in their life?