Easter Sunday
First reading – Acts 10:34,37-43
“we have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead”. This is the resurrection experience that touches our daily life. Resurrection is not something abstract, but very concrete. It is Lord being with us and shares our table, shares our joys, and shares our sorrows. And He want that we tell everyone that in Him all the sins will be forgiven. And His authority is over both alive and dead. That is over everything that existed or exits or will exist. Through Resurrection, Jesus Christ, Son of God became man becomes the Lord of the creation. He was the Lord always but with Resurrection, He is sharing His power with us so that we can get out of our sins and our shortcomings. He is sharing with us as sharing around a table, His love, forgiving and embracing, to make us also sons and daughter of God the Father. By conquering death, He conquered the most powerful evil and liberated us from that too. In the person of Jesus Christ, the mystery of Resurrection becomes a concrete reality of everyday life and naturally the life after death too. Let’s reflect: how much I feel the Resurrection as a everyday concrete reality?