Monday of the 4th week of Eastertide
Saint Joseph the Worker
First reading – Acts 11:1-18
“What God has made clean, you have no right to call profane.” This is the effect of incarnation. Word became flesh. The incarnation elevated the creation along the humanity and saved it. This is very important in our relationship to every single entity around us. The nature, the creation, and everything around us, God has made clean. There is no place for despise in our heart. We must create a good relationship with everything around us. Actually, Lord showed this vision to Peter to indicate that Gospel cannot be denied to anyone. God welcomes all nations and races. God welcomes all languages and tribes. So, we cannot despise any person for any reason. Incarnation of Word made everything part of the Word. This profound truth becomes a reality in our life when we can embrace the entire reality without despising anything. Jesus saved the humanity and the entire creation. Let’s reflect: am I despising anyone whom the Jesus saved?