Monday of the 1st week of Advent
Saint John Damascene, Priest, Doctor
First reading – Isaiah 2:1-5
This mediation is very important it teaches the way to bring peace into the world stopping all wars and conflicts. The key is the last sentence. “Let us walk in the light of the Lord”. When we start walking in the light of the Lord everything changes. We will hammer our swords into ploughshares and our spears into sickles. We will not lift sword against each other, and we will not train ourselves in fighting. We will turn every occasion to hate the other into an occasion to love and do good, every occasion to speak bad into an opportunity to speak good. Because we walk in the light of the Lord and not in the light of our selfishness. To walk in the light of the Lord, we must learn to accept the authority of the Lord over us. This we must learn from the mountain of the Lord, in the Temple of God. That means, we learn it from prayer and from the Word of God. Let’s reflect: Am I walking in the light of the Lord or in the light of my selfishness?