In Epiphany I have three questions to share

What are you seeking?

They are searching the truth. They are searching because they have seen the star. They saw the star because they were looking to the sky at night. In order to see the star, we have to look to sky at night. The nights of our life, nights of disappoitments, nights of difficulties, nights of sadness, nights of pain… We have to look to the sky, we have to look up… To see the star. That is what we read in the first reading. Arise, shine out, Jerusalem, for you light has come, the glory of the Lord is rising on you, though night still covers the earth and darkness the peoples. Take note! The word of God says, “your light”. My light in my difficulties… This is what I search… It’s the Baby born in Bethlehem.

Where are you seeking?

There are two options. A way that leads to the place of Herod or a way that leads to Bethlehem. When we follow our interests, our wishes, our glory, our prejudices, our ego we will reach the palace of Herod. But when we follow the star, the star of love of the God, when we follow the way of faith, when we follow the Church, we will reach the manger in Bethlehem. To search our own interests and reaching in the palace could be interesting and dramatic. Consultations, Meetings, Discussion etc… But following the star in the darkness is divine and joyful. We read, “the sight of the star filled them with delight”. So, as we celebrate this feast, we have to analyse, Where are we seeking? Are we seeking our ego ora re we seeking in the path of the star?

Why are you seeking?

To pay homage. „going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh”. In adoration they give their gifts. The same, we in adoring the God, we seek to give our treasures. That means, first we must obtain the treasures, gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh – gift of thoughts pure like gold, gift of words pleasant like frankincense and gift of actions authentic like myrrh. When we have these gifts in the treasure box of our heart, we willbe able to pay real homage to the Baby Jesus. Let’s see what we have in our heart. Each time we come to the chapel is like the three kings entering the manger. Open up your heart and give Jesus the gifts of your thoughts, words and actions.

Don Giorgio