Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor
on Tuesday of week 3 in Ordinary Time
First reading – Hebrews 10:1-10
The Law is just a signpost indicating the way of the Lord. It does have the capacity to save us. That is what the author of the Letter to Hebrews is saying, “Since the Law has no more than a reflection of these realities, and no finished picture of them, it is quite incapable of bringing the worshippers to perfection, with the same sacrifices repeatedly offered year after year”. So in Jesus Christ, the law is substituted by His person, by Himself. He wants to share His life so that we are not anymore subject to the law which cannot save us but to His love which can save us. “He is abolishing the first sort to replace it with the second. And this will was for us to be made holy by the offering of his body made once and for all by Jesus Christ.” Law suggests for external observance and Love suggests for internal adherence. Jesus Christ offers Himself so that each of us can be united to His body. “You who wanted no sacrifice or oblation, prepared a body for me.” We become his members and we are saved. We are saved in Him. This interior unity with Jesus Christ is that which makes the difference. Let’s reflect: How far I am united to the body of Christ?