First of all I would like to thank God for the Grace and blessings He has given me for the whole period I am here in Germany for a mission it is a year now since I arrived. The challenges I initially faced due to the new environment were different language and everything was new to me. Asking myself many questions, can I really live without knowing anything and why have they sent me hear, to do what. But after seeing our sisters have received me well and directed me to various things to encourage me and show me good cooperation such as teaching me language and other things related to the community, and due to their love  although are now very old and need a lot of support, I found myself Little by little getting used to the environment and I become happier and I find myself more motivated to take care of them with various things, especially those related to the community. Am still striving to study the language that will help me to have better communication with them and my mission. So for that I would like to thank the sisters of my community here in Berlin for their wonderful cooperation they have shown me so far and so on. May God give them more strength and patience in their pain they undergo. God be with them and give them comfort.

Sr. Maria Goretti