Thursday 30 November

Thursday 30 November

Saint Andrew, Apostle – Feast
First reading – Romans 10:9-18
Today we are celebrating the feast of St. Andrew, one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. On the feast day, the Church is giving us to meditate on the difference between confessing with lips that Jesus is Lord and believing in heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Believing in heart makes one righteous according to the Word of God. From the preaching we hear the Good News and then we believe in Christ. From believing we move to confessing with lips. And then there is a step further, believing in heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. That we feel the same sentiments in our heart about the resurrection. In moments of darkness and difficulties, we must believe in our heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The same light is to lighten up my heart and make me righteous. Let’s reflect: Can I move from confessing with lips to believing in heart that Jesus is Risen from the dead?
Wednesday 29 November

Wednesday 29 November

Wednesday of week 34 in Ordinary Time
First reading – Daniel 5:1-6,13-14,16-17,23-28
“You have praised gods of gold and silver, of bronze and iron, of wood and stone, which cannot either see, hear or understand; but you have given no glory to the God who holds your breath and all your fortunes in his hands”. In all circumstances we are called to see the true God and His hand. We can easily miss the presence of true God in our lives and mistakenly give the importance to those things which seems important for us. In the case of King Belshazzar, we got blind by the gold and silver and failed to see God who held his breath and all his fortunes. That mistake is what failed him. The writing on the wall said that God has weighed him and found something important missing. The missing element is his capacity to recognize the True God in the presence of his riches and pleasure. The wealth and success are elements which sometimes blind us to see the Giver of wealth and success. Let’s reflect: What I see most: my success or the Giver of my success?

Tuesday 28 November

Tuesday 28 November

Tuesday of week 34 in Ordinary Time
First reading – Daniel 2:31-45
In this passage we can see that Daniel interprets the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. The King had the dream about the future of his kingdom. But he couldn’t explain the meaning of this dream. He needs interpreter and Daniel is the instrument of God which explains the meaning of the dream. This picture is very much revealing about the way God works in our life. His plan is perfect. He reigns with justice and truth. The point here is to understand the plan of God through the Word of God as revealed in the Church. The Lord uses charismatic persons for that. We must listen to the Church and make our personal history same as the plan of God. Let’s reflect: Am I listening to the Word of God as a plan of life for me?

Miraculous Medal

Miraculous Medal

Every year we are reminded in a special way that through the simple life of a nun, Mary revealed herself to people as an intercessor in a very special way.

We ourselves wear this miraculous medal and believe that Mary is at our side at all times and in all matters.

This year, let us take up the manifold concerns of all our employees who care for the well-being of the people entrusted to us in our facilities.

Monday 27 November

Monday 27 November

Monday of week 34 in Ordinary Time
First reading – Daniel 1:1-6,8-20
“And God favoured these four boys with knowledge and intelligence in everything connected with literature, and in wisdom”. Our spiritual life or our relationship with God depends on how much we have faith in the Lord. Often, we don’t follow what our faith demands because we don’t trust our own faith. Or we are not convinced about our own faith. When something new is proposed by something which is alien to our faith, we tend to accept it and to follow it. Because we are not convinced of our own faith. Daniel was very convinced of his own traditions and that is why he was ready to ask for a trail of 10 days. Daniel was convinced that the diet proposed by his tradition based on his faith is more effective than the diet proposed by pagan tradition. And it was right. So, let us stick to the traditions and customs based on our faith and not to doubt it when we see some innovations where faith is devoid. Let’s reflect: Am I convinced of my way of life based on my faith or am I doubtful?