Our vocation

Our vocation

It’s important to find out what we are. Only an encounter with God the Infinite you can discover who truly are! Because all our other encounters in our way with others, confine us to the schemes and frameworks of the one whom we meet. But with the Infinite, there are no schemes and frameworks, He is infinite, and He puts no limits in our unfolding into our truth. Only before the Infinite I can find the truth about myself. Encounters with the infinite lead us to confront the depths of our own being and understand our place in the grand scheme of existence. In these encounters, there’s a sense of liberation from the constraints of societal norms and personal limitations, allowing for a more authentic exploration of one’s truth. It’s transcending the limitations of our finite existence. It transcends our individual identity and fosters a profound sense of interconnectedness with the whole universe and all living beings. This interconnectedness is the foundation of compassion, empathy, and love. This liberation which gives us the glimpse of the truth about ourselves is discovery of our vocation.

Don Giorgio

Stop pretending!

Stop pretending!

Stop pretending! We pretend to know, we pretend to be unhurt, we pretend that everything is fine…like this list goes on. But pretention is not good. It puts you in a situation where you will not be part of it. At the same time, you will be responsible for the situation. Often it comes as a coping mechanism a way to protect ourselves from immediate stress or to navigate social situations more smoothly. The fear of vulnerability and the potential for rejection or judgment often compels us to hide behind a mask. . It’s a complex balance, as society often expects a certain level of pretense in professional and social contexts, yet yearns for authenticity at a deeper, more human level. Navigating this requires self-awareness and courage. It involves recognizing when we’re pretending and asking ourselves why. Is it for self-preservation, to conform to societal expectations, or something else? Understanding the reasons behind our actions can be the first step towards choosing authenticity when it truly matters. It might not be easy or comfortable, but living authentically can lead to a more fulfilling and connected life.

Don Giorgio

When someone judges you unjustly

When someone judges you unjustly

When someone judges you unjustly, try not to take it personally. People judge unjustly for various reasons. Because of the lack of sufficient data to make the right judgement. Because of overzealous to do good. Because of past experiences. Because of lack of experiences. Because of wrong concepts. Because of wrong perceptions. There can be lots of reasons. So, when the thorns of such judgments try to pierce into your heart, try to arm yourself with the shield of discernment. Try to take care of yourself with your intelligence by separating your real self and the judged self. Embrace the wisdom to see beyond the ephemeral fog of others’ perceptions, to the enduring light of your true self. Emotionally affected, don’t try to degrade your real self into the image of your judged self. There lies the danger of losing yourself into the darkness of negativities. Remember, how you respond to unjust judgment is within your control. By choosing not to internalize it, by choosing to uphold the sanctity of your self-worth, you protect your self-esteem and maintain your focus on what truly matters—your own path and growth.

Don Giorgio

Relationship to God

Relationship to God

Relationship to God must be as a relationship to our Creator who accompanies us always, who know us as we are, and who accepts us as we are. But often we relate ourselves to God based on a set of rules and norms. Or based on our devotional activities. This makes our relationship to God without life. The rules, norms, and devotional activities serve as pathways or methods to engage with God, but they are not substitutes for a genuine, living relationship with God. This distinction is crucial for a heartfelt and transformative faith journey. The danger lies in conflating the means with the end. When the focus on external practices becomes the entirety of one’s spiritual life, it can lead to a form of religiosity that lacks the personal, intimate connection that lies at the heart of a meaningful relationship with God. This requires an open heart, a willingness to listen and respond, and the cultivation of an ongoing, dynamic interaction with God. It’s about allowing those practices to transform us, fostering a heart-to-heart connection with God that informs and enriches every aspect of our lives.

Don Giorgio

Accept the unknown

Accept the unknown

In each startling experience weaves a new thread, revealing a different dimension of the eternal truth. The truth does not change. It remains an unchanging beacon amidst the tempests of our lives. But the truth is more than our first impression. But in new experiences, as startling as they may be, offer us a unique perspective, allowing us to see and understand the world in a new light. In this pilgrimage, we are reborn, not just as mere spectators but as empathetic sojourners, resilient warriors, and wise seekers of the hidden crevices of knowledge. They challenge our preconceived notions and push us to expand our understanding, making us more empathetic, resilient, and wise. So, when faced with the shock of the new or the unknown, remember that it’s an opportunity to deepen your grasp of the many facets of truth and life.

Don Giorgio



The more someone tries to cast shadows upon your radiant soul, the more you should guard the divine spark in yourself, the celestial gift bestowed upon you by the Creator. Though the trials of life: persons, and circumstances, might conspire to shroud your perception, causing your sight to dim and lose sight of this inner glow, remember this light is unextinguishable, because it’s the sublime presence of the loving God in you. Don’t let the darkness in others eclipse your vision, but rather, let your inner eyes remain wide open to see through the window of your soul, this divine light in the blossoming garden of your spirit. Simultaneously, let your outer eyes softly close, turning away from the night that tries to cover us, ensuring your own inner flame burns ever brighter against the backdrop of the shadows of the circumstances.

Don Giorgio