On Sunday, September 8, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sr. M. Wenancja Szybilska celebrated the DIAMOND JUBILEE OF PROFESSION .
During the Eucharist celebrated for the intention of our Sister, in the parish church of Christ the King in Gorzow Wielkopolski, Bishop Tadeusz Lityński, shepherd of the Diocese of Zielona Gora and Gorzow distinguished our Sister by awarding her with the diocesan decoration: “Meritorious for the Diocese of Zielona Góra and Gorzów”.
We sincerely congratulate our dear Sister Venance on such a beautiful jubilee and on the distinction from the hands of the Shepherd of the diocese.

First students finished our school in Muanga.

First students finished our school in Muanga.

“How to repay the Lord for all the good he has done to me” Psalm 116:12
08/24/2024 is a big day for us the Sisters of Mary Immaculate. For our children who have finished 7 years of elementary school. This school and founded by the Sisters in 2018 which is called Yohane Schneider Pre & Primary School, the name of our founder. As we all know the Mission is not easy, because our Sisters gave of everything our children especially education and spiritual catechesis that helped us so much to carry on the school, for us only the hand of God, who helped us. We are very happy to fulfill our duty, our education goes to over helping the children who is in the any kind of difficulty. We are happy that our children have passed their previous exams well, we also pray for them for their final exams that they will do well and be able to continue their studies in Middle School. It is God’s own gift to us, because we started with 12 children, gradually 33 children arrived.
Thank you God for all the blessings you have given us so that we could reach this important day in the history of our school. In expressing our happiness we thank Mother General, all the Sisters, donors/donors, spiritual and physical benefactors/benefactors, teachers and all the workers whose prayers and hard work have been able to witness God’s greatness.
God bless you all.

Summer trip 2024 to our Roma children in Slovakia

Summer trip 2024 to our Roma children in Slovakia

After we returned to Germany from our aid trip from the Roma camp in September last year, I knew I would be back for the aid transport in summer 2024. YES, and that’s what happened.
Over the course of the year, donations in kind were handed in again and again and I was able to gradually pack these items and store them in our cellar.
After I put up an appeal for donations, it wasn’t long before gifts were being brought in almost every day … the most beautiful things.
I am touched and infinitely grateful for the generosity of so many people from Cochem and the surrounding area. Yes, a huge parcel even arrived from the island of Usedom.
We are also very grateful for the generous financial help of many people.
On the afternoon of August 2, the time had come. First, the large truck had to be loaded with all the donations and then we drove to the Benedictine monastery in Maria Laach to load the gifts that had been collected there by Father Basilius.
After the travel blessing from Father Basilius, we first drove to Linz am Rhein. From the nearby town of Unkel and further on from Bad Honnef, we were able to invite more donations that had been prepared for us, and on the way, near Nuremberg, Dr. Mirek, a doctor from the Ukraine, joined us in the car. He is supporting us and wanted to take the opportunity to meet his mother in Secovce, who had come there from the Ukraine.
Our journey then took us to Heiligenkreuz Abbey in Austria. There we attended the Sunday service and after a coffee break we went on to Liptovany Miklas to spend the night.
On Monday morning we finally arrived at the Roma center. It was full of life, with lots of children enjoying themselves on the lawn together with a group of artists – with all kinds of activities. Mothers with their babies, small children and also the two new employees Anna and Veronika were there. We were delighted to be joined by Sister Bernadetta and our interpreter Rado.
After a break, strong men were ready to unload.
Throughout the day, there were always nice encounters … yes, even with “already” old friends!
And as in previous years …. EVERYONE likes to be photographed.
And the newborn children: the youngest is 5 days old and the twins are now 1 year old.the children who come to the center are doing well during this time. They can play, eat and drink and are also encouraged and guided in the social area.
But they live in two worlds; in the beautiful surroundings of the center … but everything is different at home.
On the way from the center to the children’s HOME… I have never seen so much dirt anywhere else.

And then the little chapel there: Father Stephan, a priest from the Greek-Catholic church, knows how to talk wonderfully about God and inspire the children.
The chapel was overflowing with all the children, who sang, prayed and clapped from the heart.
Yes, and of course every child received a small sweet – because when you visit someone, you take a small gift with you.
once again
for their great support –

together we have
together we were able to give a lot of joy!

Thank you very much!!!

Sister M. Felicitas

Pilgrimage in the footsteps of Fr. Jan Schneider

Pilgrimage in the footsteps of Fr. Jan Schneider

On 17.08.2024r a group of pilgrims from Mieszkowice, Szybowice and Nysa wandered in the footsteps of our servant of God Fr. John Schneider. We were accompanied by a group of 8 of our sisters from Nysa. We prayed at Fr. Schneider’s grave asking for graces, experienced the Eucharist together at the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Sand. In Wroclaw Cathedral we visited the exhibition DEFENDER OF WOMEN dedicated to our servant of God. in St. Mary’s Chapel we gave thanks for the gift of his 175th anniversary of priestly ordination. We also visited the Panorama of Raclawice and at the end , in front of the face of Our Lady Help of Christians of Wroclaw, before whom Fr. Jan Schneider entrusted the Association, the girls and our congregation every year, we recited together the act of entrustment to Mary with the words of Fr. Jan’s prayer. It was a wonderful time of grace. We are already arranged for the next pilgrimage next year:)

s. Barbara Mroziak

Juniorate at the Generalate

Juniorate at the Generalate

I had the opportunity to do My annual Juniorate from 16-31 July this year in Rome. The time was very important, not only because of the high temperatures, but also because of the many new experiences. The unity in diversity that is the international Community allowed me to become even more sensitive to others, to look on how open I am to otherness. I saw that what seems right and proper to me is not always the same for someone else, and this is where the space of respect and acceptance of the other person in me begins. Living every day, for this short time, in this Community has also allowed me to see a very simple thing.

If we are moving in the same direction towards God, no barrier -linguistic, Cultural, Customary – can divide us.

During these two weeks, I was able to see and spiritually experience various ‘encounters’ in many places that are important for us believers. However, all the places to see while in Rome, for me personally the most important was the church of Quo Vadis and the encounter with Christ and Peter on the road leading out of Rome. “Where are you going, Lord?”- I think this question can be asked Myself every day, every hour then, when I turn back on my Commitments, difficulties, suffering, the man who gives me a headache, the decisions that have to be made. And Jesus goes in the opposite direction, to fulfil all that I am running away from God, thanks for this time.

                                                                   Sr. M. Justyna

Retreat at the Generalate

Retreat at the Generalate

The Swahili language religious retreat at the Generalate ended on Friday, July 19. The retreat was attended by our sisters from Tanzania, who are currently in communities in Europe, and who will not be flying to their homeland for vacation and retreat this year. The retreat was led by Fr. Alfred Shirma, who has just finished his studies in Rome and is returning to Tanzania in a month to take care of the formation of seminarians in his diocese. For the sisters who participated in the retreat, it was a time of spiritual renewal but also an opportunity to pray together in their native language. Let us thank God for the time of this retreat and its fruits.