Every year, sisters from the Polish Province gather at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Częstochowa to watch and entrust all the intentions brought to her throughout the night. This year’s night vigil entitled “Love and Challenge” from 3 to 4 June on Jasna Góra, began with an Appeal, followed by the testimonies of the first encounter with the Living God (testimony of a lay person, a religious sister and a priest). During the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, songs of worship were sung. The most important point of the vigil was the Eucharist, followed by white roses, as a symbol of the purity of hearts and small loaves, a sign of sharing the good. After midnight in the rosary prayer, we asked for the care of our Congregation and all the works led by the sisters. Then we sang hymns in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The following day we finished the vigil. After thanks and sending out by the Provincial, we have moved to our communities.
In 2009, we started working in Mwanga in northern Tanzania. Initially, the land was purchased and a monastery was built, but the plan was also to build a primary school with a boarding school. Building a school was a long process, and the sisters wanted to start working with their children as soon as possible. Then the parish priest came to the rescue, who provided us with a room at the church where classes for children were to take place, and in the meantime the construction of the school began.
On 15.01.2018, the school officially started its activity with 25 children (11 boys and 14 girls) with 3 teachers and 1 driver. In recognition of our Founder, it was named after him, so that during the mission of the sisters in Mwanga the charism of Fr. Johannes Schneider was spreading.
We appreciate good work of the sisters in the parish and cooperation with local residents, people noticed a great commitment, generosity and true love for children. These attitudes attracted the attention of parents who willingly began to entrust their children to our care (even children from Muslim families), trusting that it is in our school that they will receive a good upbringing, values and faith in God, and at the same time get a good start to the next stage of education.
In January 2019, the sisters had to leave the hall at the church, and since the construction work was not yet completed, for 6 months the classes took place on the territory of the monastery – under the kibanda, where class one pupils were taught and the second class were held in one of the rooms of the convent. The monastery compound served as a playground. In July, classes were transferred to the first finished classrooms on the construction site.
We thank God, the construction works this year was successfully completed and the children began to use the whole compound, namely the school building, boarding school and dining room. In general, the school is used for children aged 6 to 13 years, regardless of religious ties. There are currently 95 pupils now in 3 basic classes. The target is 7 classes, for about 315 pupils and above. There are two official languages in Tanzania – Swahili and English, but the classes are taught in English because it’s an English Medium school and it’s a good start for them for their next levels of education. It is also mandatory to wear uniforms, black shoes and greysocks. If parents don’t have money, or if the child has grown out of their shoes, they can wear others until they purchase them.
The lessons begin at 7:30 a.m. with a prayer followed by an appeal, during which children gets guidance from the teachers and on Mondays and Fridays sings the national Anthem Infront of the national flag. During break time that is 10:00 am, pupils take porridge and 12:30 pm have their lunch. Classes end at 15:30 pm. After then day scholars are dismissed to their homes, there are those who go by foot and those who go home by school bus and boarders continue with their preps, the school fees are paid by parents.
Due to the fact that our school began to operate in the new building, on April 23, 2020, a dedication and official opening was planned, but due to the coronavirus epidemic, the celebration was postponed to the moment when the situation improves.
In Berlin, on May 14, in the Provincial House of the German Province, 6 sisters celebrated their Jubilee of the 60th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of their religious life. Initially, this ceremony was planned for April 18 this year, but had to be postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic. For a long time, it was not known when the opportunity to celebrate will be. at the end, the Provincial Superior of Germany S. Cordula decided to celebrate the Jubilees in May despite the ongoing epidemic. This meant that the celebration would be very modest, in a monastery closed to outsiders. It turned out, however, that the Bishop of the Diocese of Berlin, Archbishop Heiner Koch, promised to celebrate a solemn Mass on May 14 and celebrate with his sisters. Although relatives of Jubilates could not attend the ceremony due to the ongoing epidemiological crisis, it was an unusual celebration.
Some of the Jubilates recall this time: “At first we were a little sad that no one from the General house in Rome or visitors from outside could participate in this important celebration for us. We have all had doubts about the celebration of the Jubilee without our relatives, who are always invited to these celebrations. Now, in perspective, it must be admitted that despite these difficulties we have experienced an extraordinary holiday. Our Jubilee, which was supposed to be a great occasion, turned out to be a very intense and personal experience, in the circle of co-sisters, with a lot of time, with great peace and gratitude to God for so many graces that we have experienced during our religious life. During previous anniversaries, we were usually busy with our guests, talking to them, taking pictures, exchanging memories and messages from families. These things are important and beautiful, but the essence of the celebration, the deep gratitude and joy of God’s pursuit of a long religious life, with all its ups and downs, was often somewhat over looked. This year this holiday has become a spiritual event, an opportunity for a deeper encounter with the sisters, but above all a day of personal thanks giving to God for our own vocation, in the certainty that He will continue to walk with each of us and will not leave on our own. In this certainty, we have renewed our religious vows and we are happy to continue our journey to the future. Even a time of crisis can become a time of grace. “
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