Parish of Saint Matthew and Matthias in Brzezie on the Oder

On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 10.30 in the parish church of St. Mathew and Mattias,We would like to thank the Holy Apostles Matthew and Matthias in Brzezie, for the gift of life, vocation and service of the servant of God, Sr. M. Dulcissima Hoffmann SMI. During the Eucharist ceremony, the homily will be given by Fr. Przemysław Krakowczyk, PhD, SAC.

TV Misericordia

The Holy Mass will be broadcast courtesy of Internet Television: TV Misericordia Misericordia

I pasted this link in the description above


St. Józef Robotnik in Świętochłowice Consent

Thanksgiving Mass for the gift of Sr.M. Dulcissima Hoffmann with a request for beatification, will be held on Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 07.30 in the home parish of the Bride of the Cross in Świętochłowice Zgodzie.


Transmission from the Church of St. Józef available on the YouTube channel at:

I pasted this link in the description:


Spiritual participation

In view of the epidemic situation in the country, we encourage the Friends of the Bride of the Cross to spiritually participate in thanksgiving and pray together.


S.M. Małgorzata Cur SMI