Friday of week 4 in Ordinary Time
Saint Blaise, Bishop, Martyr
First reading – Hebrews 13:1-8
“Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever”. In this sentence we can really know whom we can really trust in our life. The One who is always the same, that is Jesus Christ. All others around us, depends on their mood, changes, transforms, adapts to the situations and changes. But the one is above all changes and remains the same is Jesus Christ. That is why we must create a stable and permanent relationship with Jesus Christ because He is always the same and eternal. More than that, He says, “I will not fail you or desert you”. How consoling is that! The only One who does not fail or desert us, Jesus Christ And so we can say with confidence together with the author of the book of Hebrews, “With the Lord to help me, I fear nothing: what can man do to me?”. This is where we anchor our faith, in Jesus Christ. Let’s reflect: How much I am aware that Jesus Christ is the only One who is stable and eternal?