Liberty is so beautiful!

Liberty is so beautiful!

Liberty is so beautiful. But the liberty is something you have to achieve within yourself first. It is achieved when you can detach yourself in each situation and see the situation realistically and reasonably. You liberate yourself above what is happening within you and around you. It is a result of a vision and discipline. Vision to find yourself and to realize yourself for the service of others. If it is not for others you can never liberate yourself. Then the discipline, to keep yourself in this track constantly and with perseverance. Sounds hard but a life without liberty is harder.

Don Giorgio

Holy Spirit makes the difference

Holy Spirit makes the difference

Holy Spirit makes the difference in the spirit we do things. Because Holy Spirit purifies our spirit from our ego and our selfishness. Done with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the motivation to act is something superior to us, power to act is the love and mode of action is in silence and in peace. That changes the entire relationship of that action with our self and with others. This kind of actions contain the creative power of God and the creativity of love. It connects, refreshes, fulfills, and heals. So, more docile you are to the Holy Spirit, the more powerful your actions are!

Don Giorgio


To understand the essential

To understand the essential

To understand the essential is the key to unlock your happiness in every situation. In many situations, we are not happy because we search for the non-essentials at the cost of the essentials. So, in each situation be intelligent to find the essential and aim for it. Nurture the essential and plan the rest around it. And not in the contrary. The more substantial and essential you can find and go, the stronger is your foundation. Do not lose the focus from the essential, especially in the faith.

Don Giorgio



Every work we do is actually a participation in the creative activity of the Creator. The work is the bridge between why we are created for and what we are created for. By each work done with the intention of making the world around you better for the other, you are realizing the God’s plan in history. Each work, either big or small, is an opportunity to make a change which brings the presence of God where you are. Bringing light and joy. It’s often doing the necessary and the possible with commitment and passion. Each work done selflessly leaves the fingerprint of God and each work done selfishly leaves the fingerprint of your ego.

Don Giorgio

Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd

Your relationship with your God, your Creator determines your life. Starts with your concept of your relationship with your Creator. The healthier and happy relationship with God helps to build a meaningful life. Healthy relationship in the sense of the absence of fear and the presence of reason in your relationship. And happy in the sense of the absence of hypocrisy and the presence of truthfulness. Healthy relationship starts with a healthy concept. Good Shepherd is a beautiful concept on which you can develop a healthy and happy relationship with your Creator.

Don Giorgio

Our capacity to love is a great gift

Our capacity to love is a great gift

Our capacity to love is a great gift. That gift can become a grace in so far as we love sincerely. Love becomes insincere when we ourselves become the object of our love. So, it is important not to let our love for each other grow insincere. We must keep guard of our relationships and our behavior to make sure that our love is sincere. Familiarity and hectic life can turn the direction of your love towards yourself. Do not let the thought about many things destroy the most important thing. Be a grace with sincere love.

Don Giorgio