The Ascension of the Lord
First reading – Acts 1:1-11
Today is the feast of Ascension. Ascension is the feast where we got the clear indication of the future. Jesus was lifted up and vanished from the sight of the disciples. But we got lots of assurances on this feast. Ascension is the feast in which we are assured of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Ascension is the feast on which our mission is stated. Ascension is the feast through which we found that Jesus will come back from heaven. We are assured of the coming of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit empowers us. This power of the Holy Spirit will make us witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the earth. This power makes the Church missionary to the ends of the earth. This power makes each one of us missionary to the ends of the earth. This witnessing to the ends of the earth will be confirmed by the second coming of Jesus. This is the future. So, in Ascension we got the direction to move, we got the direction to the future. Let’s reflect: Do I really see the future in the feast of Ascension?