Easter Friday
First reading – Acts 4:1-12
In this episode we see the confession of Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit. “For of all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved”. This is Jesus Christ. Whatever we have, Jesus Christ is the only one by whom we can be saved. Whomever we know, Jesus Christ is the only one by whom we can be saved. Whatever we are, Jesus Christ is the one who is going to save us. This means the center of our life is Jesus Christ. Everything in our life must be organized around the person the Jesus Christ. Everyone in our life must be arranged after the person the person of Jesus Christ. Our personal life must be developed in relation with the person of Jesus Christ. If we are not planning our life like this, the resurrection of Jesus annoys us. Because the Resurrection of Jesus asks us to put Jesus in the center of our life. Let’s reflect: are we ready to organize our life around the Resurrected Jesus?