Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
Friday of week 24 in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Luke 8:1-3
“…several others who provided for them out of their own resources.” The Gospel is speaking about brave women who were following Jesus and adds this phrase, ‘provided for Jesus and his disciples out of their own resources’. Often our following of Jesus is a search for resources. We become victims of our own search for resources for helping others and doing projects. But in the Gospel today, we see these brave women who is following Jesus and providing for them with “THEIR OWN RESOURCES”. We must follow Jesus with our own resources. Most of the time we look for resources and we lament that we did not find resources. For some other, the search for resources rest in search for courses. This is the not what the message of Gospel is telling us. Follow Jesus with our own resources, with our own heart, help those around us with our own resources. To do good we don’t need a course or a project, just open your heart and mind to the cries and tears of the others.