Easter Wednesday
First reading – Acts 3:1-10
‘I have neither silver nor gold, but I will give you what I have: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!’ Peter then took him by the hand and helped him to stand up. In the words and gesture of Peter we see something very deep. “I will give you what I have”. What is that Peter and John had? Peter and John had the eyes to see the necessity of this person. Peter and John had the ears to hear the begging of that person. Peter and John had the heart to stop at the pleading of that crippled man. And they had something unique to share. Peter and John had Jesus to share with the man in need. Peter and John possessed Jesus, or they belonged to Jesus. This is faith, being in possession of Jesus, to feel that you have Jesus, that you can share Jesus, because you become completely docile to the Risen Lord so that you become a channel of His grace. Here faith is not anymore some theory, but concrete and real. There is something more interesting in this episode. Peter is not only asking the person to walk but going to him, taking him by the hand and helping him to stand up. This is sharing of Jesus. Going to others, taking them by hand and helping them to stand up from their problems, crisis, situations, and questions. This is where our sharing of Jesus with others becomes real and concrete. Let’s reflect: how much am I transforming so that I can present Jesus concretely to others?