Monday of week 2 in Ordinary Time
First reading – Hebrews 5:1-10
The author of the letter is speaking about the liberation of the priesthood from tribe descendance and becomes a vocation. So, no one takes this honor on himself, but each one is called by God. Not only that the priesthood is a call but also, it’s a life to be lived according to the call. The life of Jesus is the best example. Jesus lived his priesthood to the perfection through suffering in obedience. Although he was Son, he learnt to obey through suffering. And thus, Jesus became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation. There comes the relevance of following Jesus Christ. In Jesus, our suffering gets a meaning, our obedience gets a meaning, our existence gets a meaning. In Jesus we are liberated and in Jesus our obedience through suffering gets a meaning. Our obedience through suffering becomes a sacrifice. Becomes an act of a high priest in Jesus Christ. Let’s reflect: Are we united with Jesus Christ in our obedience through suffering?